
Our Experience

Founded in 1996, we became a limited company in 2005. For our clients – who include utility companies such as Untied Utilities, local authorities and civil engineers throughout the UK – we provide a thorough, reliable and quality service. Health and safety is at the forefront of our work and we are justifiably proud of our health and safety record.

Applying Years of Knowledge

In this industry, experience is vital to solving problems. Our staff have worked in their specialist areas for many years, and bring essential knowledge and professionalism to every individual project they undertake.

A First Class Service

Our 24-hour service covers everything from chlorination, leak detection and repair to water deployment. We can complete a one-off commission like mapping your network or provide a tailor-made package of operational and water quality services

Commitment to our Clients

Our clients are important to us, and we understand that your customers are important to you. That’s why we make sure that you, your contractors and your customers are kept informed and up-to-date at every step along the way.  Some of our clients include: United Utilities, Dwr Cymru Welsh Water, Connect, IWNL – Independent Water Network Ltd, Rossco Civil Engineering, Young Bros, Black & Veatch and Caerphilly Council.

Water Quality Officers and Network Inspectors

We offer expert advice and excellent customer service. These members of our staff can help you manage your water supply, identifying risks and areas for improvements, or carry out operations monitoring and audits. These services add value through efficiency gains.

Compliance Services

We offer a comprehensive audit and compliance service to make sure that your network follows hygienic practices and regulatory requirements, protecting your water network from cross contamination and minimising customer complaints.